What’s the Past Tense of Lie Down?

rogersgeorge on November 20th, 2020

English has a little problem with lie, as in “lie down.”

  • For one thing, we have the verb “lie” as in not telling the truth. The past tense of that word is “lied” as in “he lied to me yesterday.”
  • For another thing, lie as in “lie down” is irregular. Its past tense form is not “lied”! It’s “lay”! As in—well, see the bad example below.
  • And for a third thing, we have another verb, lay, which is transitive and requires an object. As in “lay the book on the table.” Past tense of lay is “laid” as in “he laid the book on the table yesterday.”

So now I’m forced to embarrass a fellow professional writer. He got it wrong:

But it’s worth considering that while the base issue was a good-ol’ chip design error, the true problem lied in Intel’s handling of the saga. In short, Intel’s best users were feeling disrespected.


Sigh. I think Ernie needed a proofreader. Or he should have paid more attention in sixth-grade English.

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