A Gentle Correction

rogersgeorge on May 16th, 2019

Middle panel:


Why is it “we” and not “us”? Isn’t this like the slogan “Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch”? (That should date you if you remember that one.)

Well, “[x] students are behaving” is a subordinate clause (It’s a noun clause acting as the direct object of “observe”) and clauses have subjects. The subject is “x students.”

Why two words for the subject? It’s called an appositive. Examples: Blacksmith Bob, Farmer Jones, Bill the salesman. You could remove either word from the phrase and you’d have essentially the same meaning.

“We” is for subjects, and “us” is for objects, so there you have it.

And get rid of those Tareytons.

2 Responses to “A Gentle Correction”

  1. How about explaining the use of farther and further, and who and whom, and other such confusing words?

    And perhaps the use of then and than, and so on.

  2. I think I’ve already mentioned those (check the search box in the upper right corner), but I bet it wouldn’t hurt for me to mention them again.


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