Location of Modifiers Matters in English
Of course the humor in this comic lies in the bad location of the phrase in the last panel. Can you tell where it should go?
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Some Wordplay
Gasoline Alley does this occasionally. No lesson. Well, these are all homonyms, though some make a distinction:
Should it be”And” or “Or”?
What she says: They asked what the options are, not which option they preferred, so I think the correct conjunction is “and.” I think it’s interesting that the cartoonist treated the word “family” as a plural. that’s more common in England than in the US.
A Dog’s Palindrome
Remember what a palindrome is? It’s something in writing that reads the same backwards and forwards. Here’s a comic about that: Louie is the dog, but you probably figured that out.
English or Greek Plural?
Which do you prefer? The orange critter is an octopus with awfully short tentacles. Or should I say tentacloi?