Abbreviations With Periods

rogersgeorge on January 18th, 2022

Some abbreviations don’t have periods, such as “NASA.” And we pronounce it like a word. But some abbreviations are easily misunderstood without periods. For example, the abbreviation for “United States.” Without the periods, the U.S. might be treated as a pronoun. See below:

When I first saw this, I considered making it into a lesson about “we” and “us.” Then I read the whole sentence. Saying “U.S. diplomats” would have removed the ambiguity, wouldn’t it?

Periodize your abbreviations when you need to remove ambiguity!

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Here’s a Pleonasm for You

rogersgeorge on January 16th, 2022

A pleonasm is when you have one or more unnecessary words in a sentence. Here’s an example:

Obviously you don’t need both “still” and “yet.” But what about “shoot”?


rogersgeorge on January 14th, 2022

Homophones are words that are pronounced the same but spelled and defined differently. Here are a bunch of examples.

Ollie and Quentin Comic Strip for November 28, 2021

These can be a source of trouble for ESL folks.

Another English Teacher Comic

rogersgeorge on January 12th, 2022

You see both solecisms, right?

Loose Parts Comic Strip for November 28, 2021

I don’t need to point out the misspelling and the misplaced comma, do I?

A Comic About Writing

rogersgeorge on January 10th, 2022

Mr. Fitz is an English teacher, so I like the strip a lot.

I definitely try to avoid linking verbs in my writing…