Some Wordplay
Gasoline Alley does this occasionally. No lesson.
Well, these are all homonyms, though some make a distinction:
- homographs—words that have the same spelling
- homophones—words that have the same pronunciation
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Should it be”And” or “Or”?
What she says:
They asked what the options are, not which option they preferred, so I think the correct conjunction is “and.”
I think it’s interesting that the cartoonist treated the word “family” as a plural. that’s more common in England than in the US.
A Dog’s Palindrome
Remember what a palindrome is? It’s something in writing that reads the same backwards and forwards. Here’s a comic about that:
Louie is the dog, but you probably figured that out.
English or Greek Plural?
Which do you prefer? The orange critter is an octopus with awfully short tentacles.
Or should I say tentacloi?
An Example of a Looong Contraction
Last word in the first line of the first panel. Which is it? people should? people would? people could? people had?
You gotta rely on context, I guess.