Hyphenating Phrases

rogersgeorge on May 11th, 2016

We use hyphens for several things in written English. One of them is when we use two or more words together as an adjective. We call this a compound adjective. Compound adjectives are a little tricky because sometimes you can use the same string of words, but they aren’t used as an adjective. For example:

They were separated for two and a half years.

It was a two-and-a-half-year separation.

Here’s another, from the same source. (This time he got it right. Look a little more than halfway down the article):

a seven-year-old girl

And my example of using the phrase correctly the other way:

The girl was seven years old.

Notice that the word “year” doesn’t have the “s” in the adjective uses. We don’t show plural in our adjectives in English.

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