How not to use “While”

rogersgeorge on May 7th, 2016

Here’s a common usage that is easy to improve on. Look at the first word in this sentence:

While detox diets differ in their details, no specific protocol is worth dissecting in detail because it will soon fall out of favor as another variant becomes the next fad.

While means “at the same time as.” Here it’s used as a substitute for Although, Whereas, Since, or Because. These are subordinating conjunctions and correctly make the first part of the sentence an introduction to the main idea, about dissecting protocols. Use that subordinating conjunction when you don’t want to convey simultaneity. Don’t use “while” when “since” will do.

I feel compelled to point out something the writer did that’s correct. In the middle of the sentence he used because, not as. Because is more straightforward. Use it. As appears correctly a little farther into the sentence, meaning “at the time of.”

Two out of three ain’t bad!

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