
rogersgeorge on March 26th, 2017

A mondegreen is a word or phrase derived from misunderstood song lyrics. It came from a song with the words, “…and laid him on the green,” which was interpreted to be “…and Lady Mondegreen.” I remember a joke I read when I was a kid describing a kid in Sunday School drawing a nativity scene with a roly-poly fellow standing off to the side. When the teacher inquired about him, the kid said it was “round John Virgin.”

So okay. I hardly know any Beatles lyrics, so I can’t appreciate the humor in this Soup to Nutz strip, but you probably do, so you probably will.

If you’re of a didactic bent, feel to translate these into the real lyrics for me in the comments.

One Response to “Mondegreens”

  1. I laughed out loud because I too have strained to try to figure out some lyrics. Back in the day we didn’t have the luxury of MTV or Google. I may still sing the wrong words at times. 🙂


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