Sounds Wrong, Doesn’t It?

rogersgeorge on October 22nd, 2019

First speech bubble. It’s correct!

That “whom” sounds wrong because we’re used to hearing the subject of the sentence first. That ‘whom’ is really the object of “of.” You can also say that the “whom” is introducing the noun clause that’s the direct object of “know”!

To fix the word order a bit, you’d have:

Do you know of whom she reminds me?

Of course now you have a rather awkward question. I fear that “who” will become the only form to appear at the beginning of a sentence regardless of the word’s function in the sentence.

PS—If it were me, I’d write. “Hey! She reminds me of someone I knew.”

PPS—Since I ran into it today, here’s a strip that gets it wrong twice. Second panel:

Luann Comic Strip for August 19, 2019

PPPS—And here’s one where he gets it right. First panel.

This post first appeared on The Writing Rag.

One Response to “Sounds Wrong, Doesn’t It?”


  1. Sounds Wrong, Doesn’t It? – Technical Writing World

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