Portmanteau Words

rogersgeorge on May 5th, 2016

The original portmanteau was a big suitcase that opened into two equal parts. The term has since been generalized to refer to about anything consisting of more or less equal parts.

Particularly words. I hope you subscribe to Anu Garg’s A Word a Day. It features a word and its definition five days a week, usually organized around some theme. The first week in April, 2016, he featured portmanteau words. The other day I ran into a comic that did the same thing (only these words certainly aren’t in common use), then found another comic on the same theme. So I had to share. Here’s one:

Wrong Hands

And here’s the other:

Rabbits Against Magic

Espressonism, eh? Maybe -nism isn’t exactly a whole word, but you get the idea.

So—got any portmanteau words that you like? Share in the comments.

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