Interesting chart

rogersgeorge on February 4th, 2014

This doesn’t have much to do with writing, but it’s about language and it’s interesting.

The chart shows the relations among European languages based on shared vocabulary. The usual way of relating languages is by etymology. Note that Finno-Ugric is on the chart. Finno-Ugric is a language family unrelated to Indo-European (the language family that includes English), but it’s on the chart because being in Europe, the two families managed to share some words. Finno-Ugric means Finnish and Hungarian, by the way. It turns out that way back when there was a large migration of people from the area that’s now Hungary into Finland. And that’s why Finnish names sound so strange. Interesting, eh? (Celtic is a separate language family too, but everybody’s heard of that.)



My thanks to Vitaliy Kaurov for the chart.




One Response to “Interesting chart”


  1. Another interesting language chart | The Writing Rag

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